Sep 19, 2017

A Letter for Those Left Behind

Psalm 39:4 “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is.”

Rapture Box
The saddest thing that will ever occur is a soul that dies without Christ.  There comes a point in every person's life where they either accept or reject the free gift of Salvation that was purchased for them at the cross by the blood sacrifice of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

There was a time limit on this Age of Grace.  We do not know the exact hour or day when it will end, but the ancient Scriptures are quite clear about the signs.  Careful study shows that we are in that time.

The Age of Grace is when mankind could freely receive the gift of salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, it coming to a close.  As I write these words the hour is late.

I am not a prophet and I do not claim to have secret knowledge or insight into the vast mysteries of the Lord.  I am a simple woman who inherited a love of Bible prophecy and was given a modicum of talent for writing.  As such, I felt compelled to prepare a letter for my friends who would be left behind at the Rapture of the church.  I did this originally in 2015, but given that so much has happened in the last two years, I have been compelled to update it.  I share this with you today, in the hope that you might print and share a copy as well.

Sep 16, 2017

Why Can't I Move a Mountain?

As a very small child, I believed in "magic".  There was no line between the natural and the supernatural.  In my basement playroom, the black and white TV perched on a rolling metal cart showed me Jeannie and Samantha and of course, I wanted to be little Tabitha on Bewitched.  I'd make a grand entrance through the gold and brown plastic "jewels" that hung in the doorway. and escape to my secret hideaway in the corner that to the untrained eye was a blanket fort strewn between folding metal chairs.  Down here I went to Neverland and joined the flying children in Peter Pan. Some days, I'd go to Paris and listen to swinging Jazz with the Aristocats.  Then I'd head off to London and laugh with Uncle Arthur and Mary Poppins.  These grand adventures and tales of wonder spun from my Close and Play Record Player, I'd close my eyes and imagine!

Jesus with a Little Girl
My Bible picture books and Sunday School coloring pages told me the fabulous stories of Red Seas parting, giants slaying, and fire called down from Heaven.  Loved and adored by my strong Daddy, the pictures of Jesus surrounded by little children were as natural to me as breathing.  I was His and He was mine.

Sep 9, 2017

The Equifax Hack - Laying the Foundation for Something Sinister

Could the Equifax breach be something far more sinister?

The Equifax revelation that the personal information of 143 million Americans has been stolen by hackers is a catastrophic event.

In perspective, that is 44% of the United States citizens.

Right now, Social Security numbers, birthdates, addresses, and full credit history of almost half of the country is in the hands of criminals.

In my household, my husband and my teenage son are among the number.  My child will face the threat of identity theft for the rest of his life... unless some fundamental change is made to identify and control credit, that is.

What better rationale and logical reason to put forth than to "protect" people from identity theft?  Simply have this invisible tattoo or chip on your hand... then you can buy and sell in complete safety.  

The implant technology is there, it simply faces resistance from the public in what a recent Fortune article called, the "Ick Factor".  What is more likely is some sort of biometric security mechanism that faces none of the public angst that implants do (source).  Afterall, how many iPhone users scan their thumb print dozens of times a day?

Biometric Security Implant
Imagine with me for a moment, a world which is thrown into financial chaos with the disappearance of millions of people.  Identities have already been compromised and with millions gone, there is no conceivable way to know if the person standing before the bank teller is the real Mary Smith or if Mary Smith is one of the millions who has disappeared. 

It just doesn't even seem far fetched any longer.

Sep 2, 2017

The Cautious Watcher

The Prophecy Watchers have been on alert for the last 20 years.  We have read the Scriptures, we have watched the Heavens, we have deduced the times.  We have correctly identified thousands of significant prophetic events, compelling numerical distances between dates, extrapolated Hebraic meanings from those numeric dates, and correctly concluded that we are indeed living in the last days.

With the publication of the Harbinger, the discovery of the blood moons and their historical significance, and the availability of free Stellarium softwarem the Watcher community has been on heightened alert since 2008.  As the book of Daniel has opened, our understanding of the Scriptures of the End Times has multiplied at a breakneck speed, the Holy Spirit has poured out the anointing on His Servants far and wide.

An example of this is the knowledge of the fulfilled Spring Feast at the first coming of the Lord Jesus.  Those of us who have been at it for a while take that revelation for granted these days but I have to stress that a mere 7 years ago even the most ardent and learned of Watchers was unaware of this amazing fact.  I was blown away in 2013 by the Rosh Hashanah Rapture.

Feasts of God
Prior to the Fall Feast in 2013, the Watcher Community went into overdrive.  I was absolutely part of that movement, albeit on this little blog, but I have a loyal following and regular readers and so many of you will remember when that journey began in earnest.  I could effectively compile a list in 2013 of why the Rapture could occur on the Feast of Trumpets that year.  The same held true for 2014.  In 2015, the comprehensive list was so long that it became one of the most visited blog posts in the history of Abigail and Dolley.  We so eagerly awaited Rosh Hashanah 2015, I had a countdown on my computer.  I did a great 30 Days of Birth Pangs series.  My Rapture Box was full, my unbelieving neighbor had a letter and a key to the house (in case the animals don't get Raptured) and we were ready to go!

Then the Lord sent the largest dust storm in modern Israeli history and totally screwed up everyone's "count down" clocks.  We waited, we watched, we moved the countdowns... we kept looking up and then we got through the whole Fall Feast Season 2015 and we were still here.  I do not know of a single, reliable teacher that actually "set the date" but boy oh boy we all sure did hope and pray.  It was hard and disappointing.  Many of us were in a funk for quite a while!

The events have continued to unfold, prophecies are still being fulfilled.  Even the 2016 Fall Feast had a glimmer and good reason behind a rapture that year.  The 2017 Fall Feasts have as many "proof" texts and signs in the Heavens behind them as the 2015 Season did, maybe more.  I love the excitement, I love reading about the Blessed Hope but I am very cautious these days. The Revelation 12 and Birth of the Child being the Church is an interesting and compelling interpretation of Scripture, the times, and is perhaps a unique revelation for such a time as this.  Perhaps, it is not.  It is worth noting that this particular season is marked with a vitriol and division I have never seen within the body of Christ and the Watcher community.

This is where we must be very cautious!  No mystery interpretation should divide believers.  We must not be dogmatic about anything other than the core of the Gospel as expressed in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds

The thing is, the lists we put together in all these years are STILL valid, they still mean something, just like the current signs, interpretations, writings, theories, and hopes do for a final fulfillment in 2017 do.  Friends, I have to encourage you, if we are celebrating Thanksgiving 2017 on this Earth and not hanging out at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, that will be okay, too.