Nothing has taught me more about seasons of life, being happy where you are, and planning for the future more than "digging in the dirt". A gardener learns to accept the way things are right now and appreciate the good things, while making plans for the future. If I only loved my garden, "When it is finished", I would never like it, because it is never finished. There is ALWAYS something to do in the garden, I could piddle from sun up to sun down and have for several weeks.
Other times, I can not be bothered with it. One summer it went to weeds and when I say weeds, I mean big old weeds. Some taller than me. It was an absolute disaster. I was sick and could not work up the energy to tackle it and it progressed in gruesome awesomeness for an entire summer. When I finally cleaned it out, it took two weekends. The garden suffered for several years with a weed problem, so my summer of neglect had long term consequences.
This season of my life has been busier than most. When I gave an honest answer to the question, "What's been going on with you lately?" the listener got tired merely listening to the hectic schedule. So I am occupying my down time doing one of my favorite things on earth, digging in the dirt.
I'll be back soon, I promise, but for now, don't bother ringing the bell, I'm around back.