Abigail and Dolley readers it is hard to believe this is the first blog post in over a month... Honestly, I just haven't had the heart to write. A good friend of mine said the day after the election that she'd seen a Prius with an Obama sticker and wanted to run it over, that describes our shared frustration. Alas, in times of trouble, we should take solace in our faith and the firm understanding that the Lord is in control.
Dad was an eschatology scholar (Biblical End Times Study) as such, I have studied and discussed End Times events with him many times over the years. What has surprised me is the realization that the world would not stay as we knew it, our country may not continue to be great, and even our last days here would be full of strife and pain. I had surmised that the fall of the United States would be because of the Rapture and the subsequent nuclear Holicaust, not because we had committed suicide. I wept on election night and the following day; I mourned as if a loved one had died.
As the news unfolds in Israel, it indeed seems that the time of the end is truly upon us. The Palestinians have fired 740 rockets into Israel yet the Yahoo and Google headlines read, "Israel destroys Hamas Headquarters". Truth is found in select places but you must search for it and many of the lame and uninformed just accept the drivel that is fed to them by the left. It is insidious.
Of course, I have been saying that for a dozen years that the end is near. I'd venture a guess that folks felt that way during the World Wars and the Great Depression. Perhaps we have all been right but our human timing is quite different from the Lord's. We can only pray for protection and provision in what is to come.
Trading Soybeans for Computers
7 hours ago