Abigail and Dolley readers as a new believer I was starving for all things of God. If you have followed this blog or are friends with me on facebook you know that I always have something I am passionate about. I am almost always researching something and I try to find out as much as I can about a subject. My Mom teased me about this trait this Summer and I realized that there are a couple major themes I usually adopt: Faith, Gardening, Health/Weight Loss/Cooking, and some times Politics. Thus, it is no surprise that when I recommitted my life to the Lord that I would dig in deep and I did! Unfortunately, in my hunger to learn everything about this wonderful life in Christ I began watching Word of Faith preachers on INSP (pre-internet world!).
I was enthralled! I could pray for healing and be healed. I could invest in God's kingdom and reap exponential awards. I could confess and speak things into existence because God promises in His Word and He HAS to do it because that is who God is! I read books, I taped shows, I confessed the Word, I prayed, I gave, I believed, I made terrible financial decisions based on "faith".... I was sold out and so on fire for the Lord I was tough to be around.
Then, I got sick. I prayed. I believed God for healing. I did not receive that sickness into my body. I exercised incredible faith. I did not get better. Sitting in the Emergency Room one night about 6 weeks into this mysterious illness, I looked at my husband and complained that I was doing everything I was supposed to do and I was still sick! Something was very wrong with this picture and I gave up on the Word of Faith movement in that moment.
What I did not realize was that I was now very spiritually damaged. As a new believer, I indoctrinated my soul with lies. I set up ways of thought, beliefs, and actions based on the words of greedy liars disguised as preachers. In many ways, I had black highways paved through my soul. My thoughts and prayers raced across the false roads. When I abandoned the Word of Faith movement, I abandoned the Word and Faith and the Hope that comes with being a true believer. Subconsciously, I embarked on the rest of my faith life where God's promises were tainted. Having Hope seemed like a Mountain Top Proclamations. Expending my Faith was ruined.
It was 15 years after the fact that I realized that I still carried the damage. Reciting scriptures of God's promises ran over those dark highways in my soul and reached my heart with unbelief and no power. I did not even realize it. As I began to dig into it, I realized that only God can heal me of these spiritual scars.
How many walking wounded are there right now? How many new believers are sucked into this false doctrine and scarred forever? How many huge houses went into foreclosure because vulnerable Christians were believing God for the money to pay for their mortgages? How many sick people are not seeking medical treatment because they are believing God for divine healing? How many people completely fall away from the faith as seeds sown in shallow ground?
I have been a vehement critic of the Name it and Claim it movement. I left a church home over a dispute about it and never looked back. I hate the doctrine and what it does and there is a special place in Hell for the wolves in sheep's clothing that deceive God's people and line their pockets with the proceeds. Beware.
The Beatitudes of Revelation
16 hours ago