Abigail and Dolley readers I have been on a diet since I was 7. On and off, of course, but for the vast majority of my life I have either been dieting or contemplating the next diet. The weight struggle is never ending. Like a gambling addict, I have had some great successes but most have been great failures; the great successes kept me going back for more. I have starved myself, given up entire food groups, counted calories, counted fat, counted carbs, counted fiber, counted points. I have cleansed and fasted, I have taken medication, and in the last diet gave up wheat, corn, dairy, soy, and even my beloved coffee. I have punished my body and my mind for not conforming to an ideal it was never made to comfortably be. So this year, in April, after a particularly grueling diet (for which I lost 3 pounds that I regained while on the diet) I said enough is enough.
I declared that I was not going to diet or get on the scale for a full year. A full year of not counting anything and not letting the scale determine my self worth. I began going to a naturalistic doctor who is helping me heal. I was a bit afraid, all chronic dieters have learned to not trust their own bodies, minds, and instincts. Would I binge on every cookie and eat a quart of ice cream in one sitting? I'd done that after a particular "elimination" diet. To my surprise, I did none of that.
Anti-American Anti-Heroes
44 minutes ago