I want to wish all of you Abigail and Dolley readers a very Merry Christmas. I hope the blessings of the Lord Jesus are abundant in your life as you remember the greatest gift of all, our Savior.
A few years ago I began reading the writings of Bodie and Brock Thoene. This talented husband and wife have written dozens of books, some of which capture moments in the Bible so vividly you will never read the Word the same way.
Their AD Chronicles are incredible reads as they take unnamed characters in the Bible and write stories around them. The crescendo of the stories are the parts that include Jesus; it touches the believer in a way that mere reading of the facts can not. For instance, in First Light, we meet the blind boy whom Jesus healed and whose parents were questioned and who was himself questioned by the Pharisees. In Second Touch we meet the lepers whom Jesus touches and heals. In Third Watch we meet the man who brings his demon possessed son to Christ who says, "I believe, help me with my unbelief". These passing and nameless characters are given lives, names, histories, and struggles. We praise God anew at the miracles they are the recipients of in the stories.
Beginning in the Fourth book and through the Sixth, we learn about Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, and the birth of Christ. While all of these books are good and full of revelation, they are in large part a repeat (over three books, no less) of information we already learned and know about from the last book of the Zion Legacy series, Jerusalem's Hope.
Thus, if you would like to dig down, deep into the symbolism, the meanings, and the foreshadowing of the Christian story I highly recommend these books. Jerusalem's Hope takes you into the world of the Bethlehem shepherds. You learn why these shepherds and their lambs were special and why it was so perfect that the Lamb of God was born there.
If you aren't much of a book reader and would like some juicy facts, check out this web site http://www.bible-truth.org/BirthPlaceofJesus.html
Many blessings to you!
The Child Murderers of Gaza
1 day ago