Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are western medical Greek terms for "We don't have any clue what is wrong with you." They are a catch all bogus diagnosis for baffling and shifting symptoms that defy western medicine tests, charts and treatments. Are they real? Of course they are, but it simply means you or your loved one have underlying health issues that have to be addressed. Instead of looking for those, Western medical professionals do what they've been taught, they write prescriptions for the symptoms. The patients don't get better but the pharmaceutical companies get new customers.
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For the record, while I am a proponent of natural healing, western medicine has its place. It is filled with wonderful compassionate practitioners. They selflessly give of their time, talent and their hearts to help patients. Many feel helpless in the face of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, it is not so much that they do not want to help as it is they do not know how. Thank God for the wonderful work they do, I would not be alive today without skilled surgeons and caring nurses. My point in this article is not to knock anybody but to share a personal journey.
Like many, I went from doctor to doctor trying to feel better, no one helped. It was like going through life feeling like I was about to come down with something. I had a mantra that ran through my head, "I'm just so tired." I've been tested for mononucleosis a dozen times. I would work out and become crippled with muscle fatigue and stiffness. I'd sleep and never be rested. I'd diet and not lose weight. In my mid 40's, I was an old woman.
Finally, one of my friends shared her miracle story of Applied Kinesiology/Natural Medicine/Chiropractic care. I was skeptical but remembered how sick she'd been, the mountains of paperwork and bills, the tests, the hospital stays, the emergency room visits... so I made an appointment. It was the best thing I ever did.
Instead of treating the symptoms, the natural approach addresses the root cause of the problem. To demonstrate, let's use a bad knee as the example. Your knee hurts, you go to an orthopedic doctor and they determine you need surgery. You have the painful and expensive surgery, take all sorts of synthetic drugs, go through a painful recovery, and three years later you need another surgery. In the natural approach, the doctor looks at your gait, your hips, and your muscles. He determines that you are over rotating your foot when you walk and has you correct that mechanical aspect. He then figures out you have a food allergy to hot peppers (which you eat with every meal), which is causing inflammation in your joints and amends your diet. Finally, he adjusts your spine and massages your back muscle group that is throwing your gait off. Three years later you say, "I can't remember which knee hurt."
Each body is different and each one is constantly changing; sometimes we need a supplement for a time and other times we don't need that supplement. What a natural doctor will do for you if help you achieve wellness without wasting your money on things you do not need. Before finding my doctor, wellness was a crap shoot. I spent a ton of money on remedies that I did not need! So the best advice I can give is find a good doctor and take care of yourself. If you want a list of supplements and their uses, here is a brief list: (I'm including links to the products so you can see what they do and what they are made of.)