Abigail and Dolley readers know that this blog is dedicated to examining current events through the intellect of Abigail Adams and the charm and grace of Dolley Madison - thus, we have determined that Sarah Palin is our kind of lady. If times were different in 1776, Abigail Adams would have been sitting at the Massachusetts table of the Second Continental Congress with her husband John and his cousin, Samuel. Relegated to home and hearth, we have invaluable correspondence between Abigail and John and see her guiding and gentling hand in the preeminent Founders work. Her support of women's rights was a century ahead of its time and it is through the eyes of a modern woman, I humbly thank my Grandmother's before me who have given me the rights I enjoy today as a strong American Woman.
It is with these eyes that I wonder, why does the media hate Sarah Palin? She reminds me of all that is good in American Women. She reminds me of myself in many ways. Why then does the media hate me?
We like Sarah Palin because she is strong enough to stand up for her convictions and to back up her words with actions. We like Sarah Palin because she values liberty, freedom, and family. We like Sarah Palin because she does not wait around for others to lead. We like Sarah Palin because she supports our military. We like Sarah Palin because she would actually impose sanctions on Iran and not just talk about it. We like Sarah Palin because she is not so jaded she looks at a problem and says, "it's too big to fix". We like Sarah Palin because she can answer a question without a teleprompter. We like Sarah Palin because when she answers the question, you can believe what she said because she actually answered the question and did not give a political slide and duck that could mean two or more things without saying a word. We like Sarah Palin because she did not abort her Downs Syndrome Child. We like Sarah Palin because she can laugh at herself. We like Sarah Palin because she is a Believer. We like Sarah Palin because she took on corruption in her own party and in her own state. We like Sarah Palin because she sold the Governor's Jet. We like Sarah Palin because she sees the connection between energy Independence and National Security. We like Sarah Palin because she believes we should kill the Caribou and take their oil. We like Sarah Palin because for the first time since Ronald Reagan we have a dynamic conservative leader.We like Sarah Palin because she would be right at home at a Tea Party.
We like Sarah Palin because in our day, Abigail and I could not run for President, but Sarah Palin sure can.
The Child Murderers of Gaza
2 days ago